In both Kenya and Madagascar, education faces significant challenges, particularly in times of crisis. Despite Kenya’s constitutional guarantee of basic education, millions of children remain out of school, particularly in conflict-affected...
Save the Children International (SCI) Nepal, in collaboration with Rural Women Upliftment Association (RWUA) and Girls Not Brides Nepal (GNB) conducted a Gender and Power (GAP)Analysis to examine the root causes and intersecting power...
This Guidance Note describes how Menstrual Health and Hygiene (MHH) relates to disability rights, which barriers that are most common and key recommendations of how to remove them. It aims to provide recommended advice for how to plan and deliver...
Save the Children International (Pakistan) project aimed at addressing the prevalent issue of Child, Early, and Forced Marriage (CEFM) in Pakistan, particularly in Balochistan and Sindh provinces. Supported by the US Department of State, the...
The Adolescent Girls’ Empowerment Through Education (AGREE) project was implemented across 34 villages in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh from January 2022 to January 2024. This impact evaluation aimed to assess the impact of the Life Skills for Success...
The ongoing armed conflict in Gaza has inflicted unprecedented and potentially irreversible harm on Palestinian children, with consequences that threaten not only their individual futures but the very fabric of Palestinian society for generations...
This report focuses on the needs, protection risks, journeys and intentions of Ethiopian child and youth migrants and returnees transiting or effectively stranded in Metema, an Ethiopian town in the northern Amhara Regional State (henceforth the ...
Stateless and undocumented indigenous, ethnic, and migrant children in rural Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai, Thailand, including those with diverse sexual orientations and gender identities, are at heightened risk of sexual exploitation due to the...
Cost Benefit Analysis was aimed at evaluating the financial viability and broader societal impact/benefits of Save the Children supported Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) model in West Nile and Karamoja regions to inform potential hand...
Sponsorship’s new rubric-enhanced MEAL system, piloted in El Salvador, Zambia, and the Philippines, provides a nuanced way of capturing important, intangible outcomes such as children’s experiences of inequality and discrimination, equitable...