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The brochure highlights the priority areas of focus of Save the Children’s Child Protection Initiative (CPI), such as (i) children without appropriate care (including neglected and/or abused children in their families, children in...

Save The Children participated in discussions on the EU Child Rights Strategy at the European Parliament meeting of the DROI subcommittee of the European Parliament on November 29, 2010. The Strategy is expected to be adopted by the Commission in...

The devastating January 2001 earthquake — a 7-magnitude shock that left more than 3 million people in Port-au-Prince, Léogâne, Petit Goave, Jacmel and surrounding areas in desperate need — has exacted a heavy toll on Haiti’s children. They have...

Fact sheet - Children without appropriate care

2010 - Indonesia, Romania, Sri Lanka ...

A Save the Children fact sheet looking at key aspects of child protection with special focus on the sub-theme “children without appropriate care”, which encompasses children who are not receiving suitable, continuous and quality care,...

‘A Fair Chance at Life’ draws attention to one of the most pressing development challenges of our age –the toll of preventable child deaths in the world’s poorest countries, which in 2008 claimed nearly 9 million lives. This is a...

An evaluation of The Inter-agency Child Protection Information Management System ( IMS), including lessons learned since its inception and what the project must look like to be successful in the future. The IMS was set up to improve the quality of...

Save the Children International Annual Review 2009

2010 - Jamaica, St Kitts, St Lucia ...

This Annual Review showcases Save the Children’s achievements in 2009 in the framework of the organisation’s ambitious new global 2010-2015 strategy aimed at increasing the scope and scale of their work to change children’s lives by 2015. As part...

A child friendly summary of the report “Practice Standards in Children’s Participation”, which sums up what children can expect of Save the Children’s staff and partners in their child participation practice. These Practice...

The Belgian Presidency of the EU organised a conference on the situation of unaccompanied children at the external border of the EU in order to contribute to the implementation of the EU Action Plan on Unaccompanied Minors.This is the presentation...

Fact Sheet - Child Protection

2010 - Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Lebanon ...

A fact sheet looking at several aspects of child protection and the needs and priorities of vulnerable children. Children in every country, every culture and at every social level face various forms of abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence....