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This coming year is crucial for Southern Sudan’s children, with elections in April and a referendum in January 2011 on whether the region should become independent. The Government of Southern Sudan has made considerable progress in establishing...

In January 2010, the impoverished Caribbean nation of Haiti was rocked by the worst earthquake to hit the region in 200 years. One of the most devastating natural disasters in living memory, in which more than 200,000 people were killed, while...

The aim of this report is to highlight key observations, conclusions and conversations resulting from the international conference ‘Convention on the Rights of the Child: From Moral Imperatives to Legal Obligations – In search of effective...

Fact Sheet - Child Protection in Emergencies

2010 - Chile, Côte D'Ivoire, Haiti ...

Save the Children’s Child Protection Initiative (CPI) fact sheet about “Child Protection in Emergencies” looks at the the main protection dangers that children face in an emergency and how to address them. During emergencies, children...

The Future is Now. Summary of Full Report

2010 - Jamaica, St Kitts, St Lucia ...

Every child has the right to education. We have seen a big drop in the number of primary-age children who cannot go to school – between 2006 and 2010 the global figure fell from 115 million to 72 million. That is an impressive achievement, but...

This briefing looks at what global leaders, donor countries and states must do to stay committed to recognising children’s right to free, good-quality primary education. With only five years to go until the 2015 deadline to achieve the...

On 19 August 2010, Save the Children’s EU Office submitted a joint Save the Children response of the consultation on the European Union Child Rights Strategy (2011-2014), covering issues like child-friendly justice, violence against children...

2009 Annual Report on donor trends in meeting education needs in countries affected by conflict and emergencies. The report demonstrates where and how donors must act to ensure that children in countries affected by conflict and emergencies do not...

Save the Children Sweden (SCS) is clear in its belief that collaborating with civil society plays an important role in promoting, respecting, protecting and fulfilling children’s rights during emergencies: ‘We will always work with partner...

This Guiding Manual presents some solutions for mitigating earthquake hazards for new schools and existing buildings, with respect to the challenges faced by each category. It describes the concept of retrofitting and explains the techniques of...