8 years of war, together with decades of historical conflict in Yemen, have left a deadly legacy of explosive ordnance (EO), including landmines, across the country – threatening children’s lives, their childhoods, and their futures. For many, the...
Click below on “view and download” to access: Child friendly briefs with findings from the children’s consultations Regional factsheets for Cash and Child Protection Country briefs on protection needs of children, adolescents and their caregivers...
One in three girl migrants interviewed in North Africa experienced or witnessed sexual abuse or other forms of gender-based violence while fleeing their home countries to find safety, according to a new study released by Save the Children today....
The priority statement on Healthy & Resilient Communities outlines Save the Children’s approach to building evidence and scaling our work on Child Rights Governance, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support, Climate & Health, Disease...
This impact brief celebrates the great milestones and impact the East and Southern Africa Region has achieved in 2023, we have documented key impact stories on Safe Back to School and Learning to show the good work we are doing and we look forward...
This impact brief celebrates the great milestones and impact the East and Southern Africa Region has achieved in 2023, we have documented key impact stories on Healthy Start in Life to show the good work we are doing and we look forward to sharing...
Izveštaj o Klimatskim Promenama i Zaštiti Životne Sredine u Opštini S. Mitrovica Konsenzus je da je podizanje sv esti građana ključna stavka u smanjenju posledica ovih problema. Mladi kao pr vo potencijalno rešenje vide aktivnu i široku kampanju o...
Report on Achievements and Lessons Learned by the How To Child Rights series Annual Learning and Evaluation Survey Analysis and Results Introduction to How to Child Rights series Powerpoint slide
No child should ever come in contact with a military court, or any court that lacks comprehensive fair trial rights and basic safeguards. Yet hundreds of Palestinian children are held under Israeli military custody each year with profound...
Children today are growing up in crisis. Across the world, 183 million children face the triple threat of high climate risk, poverty and conflict. A world still reeling from the human and economic impacts of a global pandemic now faces a hunger...