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Save the Children Ethiopia country program has been engaged in governance and advocacy programming with the aim of improving national systems and mechanisms for children’s rights. This brief highlights some of the major results in relation to the...

Following a once-in-a-generation crisis in education caused by the global pandemic, thousands of children are at risk. Save the Children’s Integrated Case Management approach is designed to address the needs of children, so they are able to get...

Save the Children (SC) is piloting an approach to provide an integrated rapid response in situations of acute emergency in Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali. The approach is called RIRE, short for the French: Réponse Intégrée Rapide pour les Enfants ...

Learning Tree on the Move is a scalable and cost-efficient platform designed to deliver critical educational resources to children on the move. Providing essential services to mobile populations has long posed a challenge to humanitarian...

In recent years the government of Greece has struggled to live up to its obligations to ensure that all refugee and migrant children are promptly enrolled in school and receive a quality education. In this report three organisations, informed by...

This public health guidance will help you ensure that the necessary measures are in place to keep schools open and safe. It brings together top public health guidance for the safe reopening of schools and sets out Save the Children’s minimum...

Drawing on the Theory of Change, this study sought to identify the causes and solutions related to social inclusion/ exclusion in the study settings (Wakiso district sub-Counties of Namayumba, Masulita, Gombe and Kakiri and two refugee settlements...

This impact profile highlights key Save the Children Education achievements in East and Southern Africa region during the strategic period of 2019 – 2021.

The impact of COVID-19 has been devastating and has particularly affected women and children. Some of the devastating consequences include a sharp increase in incidences of gender-based violence, forced marriages, sexual exploitation and teen...

On 6 October 2022, Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) announced the first cholera case in the North of Lebanon. By 24 October, the Cholera has spread further to Mount Lebanon and East Lebanon mainly in Arsal, Baalbak and Central Bekaa Governorate...