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Save the Children carried out a global survey of children and their families to determine the impact of COVID-19 on the access to health, education, livelihoods and protection, and to collect the views of children. It is the most complete and...

In July 2021, Save the Children undertook a Household Economy Analysis in Greater Beirut and has found that over the last year, the survival deficit for Lebanese families has increased by 550%. This means that families from all wealth groups have...

Improving maternal and child nutrition is a priority for Save the Children. In 2021, we are directly reaching nearly 12 million children and over 2 million women with nutrition focused interventions in 40 countries worldwide, while advocating for...

Save the Children, with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has partnered with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the Centre for Behavior Change Communication on the Nomadic Health Project (NHP). This 4-year ...

Over 300 million dollars are wasted in ‘unnecessary caesarian section’ deliveries in Bangladesh. In countries like Bangladesh where universal health coverage is yet to take a more structured form, these out of pocket expenses can push citizens...

This brief provides an overview of USAID Nurture water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) activities in Laos aimed at increasing and sustaining household WASH targets while also working to achieve community open defecation free status in support of...

About 60 percent of the children live in poor households in Zambia. Most of these children live in rural areas where the incidence of extreme poverty is five times higher at 76.6 percent than urban levels at 12.8 percent, raising the need and...

This report is a follow-up study related to post-distribution monitoring (PDM1) of the cash transfer component of the program from the previous baseline (+PDM) conducted. It is important to note that between the data collection undertaken for the...

This report presents the results of an HEA (household economy analysis) outcome analysis (OA) exercise in October 2020 for two livelihood zones in Chhedagad and Kush Municipalities in Jajarkot District in Karnali Province of Nepal. The objective...

The Legacy Maternal and Child Cash Transfer (MCCT) was funded by the Livelihoods and Food Security Fund from Jan 2016 to April 2019. The MCCT aimed to improve nutrition outcomes for mothers and children through the delivery of nutrition-sensitive...