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Ahead of the next EU-Africa Partnership Summit on 17-18 February 2022, as both continents brace for turbulent times ahead, it has never been more important for the EU-Africa relationship to meaningfully deliver mutually beneficial outcomes that...

Aulas Digitales, or the Digital Classrooms project, was implemented by Save the Children in three departments along the Colombian border with the aim of developing socioemotional and problem solving skills for migrant and crisis-affected children...

In the world’s largest refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, over 700, 000 Rohingya languish in limbo, largely forgotten by the outside world five years after they fled mass killings and human rights abuses in Myanmar. These Rohingya refugees...

Attacks on schools and other civilian infrastructure have become a defining feature of Syria’s 11-year conflict. These include threatened or actual use of force against students, teachers, education staff, and their education facilities. In...

The Covid-19 pandemic affected businesses, forcing lockdowns and restrictions that have reduced demand for numerous products and services. Also, the economic and banking crises have led to: Severe devaluation of the Lebanese Lira when compared to...

Jukwaa Letu is a biannual newsletter produced by the Kenya and Madagascar Communication Department. The August to December 2022 edition focuses on our Country Strategic Plan, Goal 4: Access to a safe and quality education. It looks at some of the...

Growing Up GREAT! is a gender-transformative sexual and reproductive health (SRH) program for in-school and out-of-school very young adolescents (VYAs) ages 10-14 years, and the important adults in their lives. It was developed, piloted and scaled...

The Three Year Sponsorship Program Situation Analysis provides information on the socio-cultural context, community practices, education and health systems, and gender relations/roles, child participation, rights and protection in the impact area....

This report brings together the key findings from four individual reports that systematized experiences from education projects undertaken within the framework of the Education Cannot Wait (ECW) / Multi-Year Resilience Program (MYRP) programs in...

Save the Children commissioned this report to help provide a better understanding of how Syrian refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq regard their future, their decision-making processes, and priorities in terms of durable solutions. Eleven years...