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No country is free of child poverty. Europe is one of the wealthiest regions of the world, yet it has alarming and increasing numbers of children and families living with poverty and social exclusion. This report presents the latest figures,...

This template contains can guide Save the Children staff seeking to formalize partnerships with girl-led groups or networks via a memorandum of understanding (MOU). It was informed by research as part of the Girl-Led Movement Building project,...

Education is the right of children and save the children supports such right to be met, focusing on pre-primary and primary in Ethiopia. There were two projects supported by Save Italy and implemented over two phases, with the first from 2017 to...

This impact brief celebrates the great milestones and impact the East and Southern Africa Region has achieved in 2023, we have documented key impact stories on Cross Cutting Themes to show the good work we are doing and we look forward to sharing...

Within the humanitarian and development sectors, a compelling call resonates; the need to localise aid and make it more participatory and community-based. This clarion call emphasizes that humanitarian action should be ‘as local as possible, as...

Localisation Update Newsletter October 2023

2023 - Guatemala, Kenya, Malawi ...

Localisation initiatives within the organisation.

Save The Children Supply Chain Policies and procedures do not flow down by default; all funded partners are expected to utilise their policies and procedures as long as they comply with the Save The Children Supply Chain Minimum Requirements Annex...

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted that as a global community, we need to strengthen systems to prevent, prepare for and respond to public health emergencies. Member States and the World Health Organization have agreed that in order to achieve...

The MHPSS TWG position statement consists on basic directional principles and questions to consider specialised MHPSS services. SC needed to have a clear organisation position about what level of programming and intervention to avoid causing any...

Rapid Integrated Response for Children (RIRE) is a mechanism that seeks to include education in rapid responses to help children aged between four and twelve to safely return to learning within the first three months of a crisis. This innovative...