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In September 2021, Save the Children published the Build Forward Better report,  purposefully using this title in recognition that we should not limit our ambition to building ‘back’ to how things were before the pandemic, but to build forward...

SEL guide for children.

Growing Up GREAT!, a gender transformative sexuality education program for adolescents in Kinshasa, implemented responsive feedback approaches from project inception and into national scale-up. This brief summarizes the responsive feedback...

The Return to Learning (RtL) program is an education program designed for use in the first phase of humanitarian response, or in protracted crises to improve school readiness before out-of-school children transition into non-formal education...

Around 57,000 people live in Al Hol camp in North East Syria, the vast majority of them are children. 50% of the camp’s population are under the age of 12. Originally established in 1991, Al Hol was reopened in 2016 when anti-ISIS operations...

This report confirms our previous analysis that child marriage is both a cause and result of poor education of girls in Nigeria, with 10+ million out-of-school children in the country, of which over 60% are girls. If a girl is out of school, the...

Catherine Uwimana’s Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) preview presentation on the MathPower! pilot of math audio games, with VIAMO and mEducation Alliance, in Rwanda at the mEducation Alliance symposium 2021.  

This field research was conducted by 12 young researchers in the Sahel region in Burkina Faso. It presents children’s perspectives on the attacks on their education, the reasons why the education sector is deliberately attacked, and the...

A comprehensive report on how the Save the Children Rwanda team implemented an education/literacy focused Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) approach under the Mureke Dusome USAID-funded project. The report explains varied types of...

This field research was conducted by young researchers in the Tillabéri region of Niger. It captures the views of children on the attacks on their education, why education is deliberately attacked, and the impact of these attacks on children and...