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The factsheet is a snapshot of our Child Rights Governance work and country’s strategic impact in 2022 based on our reach figures, examples of evidence of our work, advocacy and policy wins, case studies and voices from the children. We continue...

Save the Children is supporting conflict-affected and vulnerable households by providing them with funds to set up businesses, providing emergency food aid and preparing communities to be resilient against hardship. With funding from the Bureau...

In December 2023, leaders from across the globe will gather for the 2nd Global Refugee Forum, it is a landmark opportunity to deliver decisive action for refugee children. Earlier this year, Save the Children published a new report – The Price of...

Report on Achievements and Lessons Learned by the How To Child Rights series Annual Learning and Evaluation Survey Analysis and Results Introduction to How to Child Rights series Powerpoint slide  

One in three girl migrants interviewed in North Africa experienced or witnessed sexual abuse or other forms of gender-based violence while fleeing their home countries to find safety, according to a new study released by Save the Children today....

This report presents the findings of a Household Economy Analysis (HEA) outcome analysis from the livelihood zone GT06 in Quiché, Guatemala. the results cover the period of November 2022-October 2023. The main conclusions of the analysis are as...

The priority statement on Healthy & Resilient Communities outlines Save the Children’s approach to building evidence and scaling our work on Child Rights Governance, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support, Climate & Health, Disease...

Izveštaj o Klimatskim Promenama i Zaštiti Životne Sredine u Opštini S. Mitrovica Konsenzus je da je podizanje sv esti građana ključna stavka u smanjenju posledica ovih problema. Mladi kao pr vo potencijalno rešenje vide aktivnu i široku kampanju o...

The first evidence review conducted in 2019 was based on evidence covering multiple studies or programs in multiple countries. The rationale was that most published papers on integrated community case management (iCCM) included in the 2017 Save...

No child should ever come in contact with a military court, or any court that lacks comprehensive fair trial rights and basic safeguards. Yet hundreds of Palestinian children are held under Israeli military custody each year with profound...