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The social, economic, and political consequences of the COVID-19 epidemic have brought about profound change at both the macro- and microeconomic levels. Inequality has deepened and poverty has been experienced in an almost brutal manner,...

Safe Back to School

Collection - Afghanistan

Save the Children’s Safe Back to School (SB2S) initiative kicked off in 2020 in response to Covid-19 and its detrimental impact on education, protection, health, and wellbeing – threatening development gains of recent decades. SB2S aims to...

In 2021, Save the Children in partnership with youth-led organizations, WETEC and UYAFPAH, convened a 3-part webinar series targeting policy makers, implementing organizations, adolescents, donor agencies, ministries of health and advocates. This...

แนวทางการทํางานกับเด็กโดยคํานึงถึงความหลากหลาย อัตลักษณ์ทางเพศ รสนิยมทางเพศ การแสดงออก และลักษณะทางกายภาพ SOGIESC (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Sex Characteristics)...

This research report has been prepared by Save the Children Turkey Country Office as a part of the “Community Based Child Protection Systems Strengthening In Esenyurt” project, funded by the European Union Humanitarian Aid (ECHO). Overall, the...

“Mission Armenia” (MA) is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) founded in 1988 and registered in 1993 after the introduction of the NGO sector in Armenia. Mission Armenia’s mandate is to promote protection of fundamental human rights of...

A year after – as the world still grapples with COVID-19, children and families’ lives are being turned upside down with devastating impacts on children and their rights. From health systems are being overwhelmed, economies are sliding...

Spotlight Series: Ending child marriage for gender equality

2021 - Burkina Faso, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia ...

Gender-based violence against girls: Ending child marriage and accelerating progress for gender equality Save the Children’s Spotlight series is a collection of country briefings to support national-level advocacy through the latest data and...

Globally, 426 million children live in conflict zones today. We estimate that a staggering 72 million of them, or one in six, live 50 kilometres or closer to conflicts where armed groups or forces have perpetrated sexual violence against children...

As the Generation Equality processes and Forums celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action, there has been concerted attention made to the need to engage new generations in the fight for gender equality. But young people...