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Globally, over 1.5 billion children have had their schools closed due to COVID-19 since early 2020. For the first time in history, an entire generation of children has had their education disrupted. In Cambodia, more than 3 million children have...

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated an existing learning crisis in Sierra Leone, and has disrupted the learning of over 2.4 million children across the country. The most marginalised and deprived children, including girls, children from poor...

Safe Back to School

Collection - Afghanistan

Save the Children’s Safe Back to School (SB2S) initiative kicked off in 2020 in response to Covid-19 and its detrimental impact on education, protection, health, and wellbeing – threatening development gains of recent decades. SB2S aims to...

แนวทางการทํางานกับเด็กโดยคํานึงถึงความหลากหลาย อัตลักษณ์ทางเพศ รสนิยมทางเพศ การแสดงออก และลักษณะทางกายภาพ SOGIESC (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Sex Characteristics)...

This research report has been prepared by Save the Children Turkey Country Office as a part of the “Community Based Child Protection Systems Strengthening In Esenyurt” project, funded by the European Union Humanitarian Aid (ECHO). Overall, the...

This study is was developed in the framework of the project “Improving inclusive education and employment for children and youth with disabilities” implemented by Save the Children in Kosovo and financed by Save the Children Italy. This project...

“Partnership and Teaching” (P&T) is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) founded in Syunik province of Armenia in 2000 with a mission to support the development of the civil society through cooperation and capacity building of civil society,...

A year after – as the world still grapples with COVID-19, children and families’ lives are being turned upside down with devastating impacts on children and their rights. From health systems are being overwhelmed, economies are sliding...

On International Children’s Day in November 2020, Save the Children Egypt launched its own edition of the global Save with Stories campaign. With 25 celebrities in Egypt throwing their weight behind the campaign, Save the Children has reached over...

This report details progress on our four key pillars of the global COVID-19 response from Q2 to Q4 2020. It uses data collected from countries against each of the indicators set out in the COVID-19 response plan and uses children’s stories to...