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Children and youth form the bulk of the population globally. This is even more the case in developing countries including Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia as covered under this study. There have been endeavours to ensure this next generation of adults...

In communities where stunting is common, families do not recognize poor growth or attribute it to genetics and believe that nothing can be done. This case study highlights the application, results and recommendations of the Length Mat, a non...

These stories reflects upon the effort of adolescents and youths (specifically girls) in building life skills and becomes the discussion leader for delivering SRHR information among the adolescents and community.

Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is a rights based and gender transformative approach to enhance adolescent knowledge and skills around sexuality, with the goal of enabling young people to make informed desicions and...

In commemoration of its founding 100 years ago, Save the Children releases its third annual Global Childhood Report to celebrate progress for children. Children born today have a better chance than at any time in history to grow up healthy,...

Climate change arguably poses the single greatest challenge to the realisation of children’s rights, and threatens to undercut decades of hard-won progress to improve their lives. Despite being least responsible for this unfolding crisis, children...

Simple document for staff that do not have case management training on how what to consider when mapping services and support in the area, how to make a referral and how to follow up on whether the services were received.  

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted 30 years ago, has contributed to a transformation of historic proportions. On most measures, the lives of children today are on average dramatically better than 30 years ago. Hundreds of...

Women and girls face extreme forms of violations in Somalia; common among them is Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C). National statistics estimates over 97% of girls aged 15 to 19 years have undergone FGM/C. To accelerate change towards...

This curriculum is for young adults aged 15-19 years and combines financial literacy, livelihoods readiness, sexual and reproductive health, and gender-equitable content delivered in a fun and interactive way. It can be used in small groups to...