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Gaza Access Humanitarian Snapshots #2 (19 July)

2024 - Occupied Palestinian Territories

Save the Children and other humanitarian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating in Gaza have consistently reported that Israel’s systematic obstruction of aid and its ongoing attacks on aid operations, including facilities, personnel and...

LIFT Lab is the global innovation team at Save the Children. ​ We support innovators to explore new solutions that accelerate impact for Children. ​ Our innovations have delivered results. For every dollar invested in LIFT LAB, our projects have...

Undernutrition remains a challenge in Ethiopia and a strategic barrier to ending poverty. Despite years of food and nutrition security interventions, the rate of undernutrition appeared to worsen. A report from the recent Ethiopian National Food...

Global Fund

Collection - Bangladesh

Save the Children has supported HIV and TB programs through the Global Fund in country and regional grants since 2009. From 2021-2023, we support six countries: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Myanmar, and Nepal. Our programs target key...

Each year, 12 million adolescents ages 15-19 give birth in low- and middle-income countries. Adolescents and their newborns have higher risk of morbidity and mortality, and face exacerbated barriers to maternal and newborn health services.

On May 8, 2024, Save the Children co-hosted a webinar with the African Population and Health Research Center, and the Centre for Adolescent Health at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute/University of Melbourne. This webinar was the first in...

The climate crisis is a child rights crisis, harming children’s right to survival, health, education, protection, food and water. Children are bearing the brunt of the crisis as they have longer to live with the climate emergency and will...

Titukulane, a $75 million USAID-funded initiative running from 2019 to 2025, aims to achieve sustainable, equitable, and resilient food and nutrition security for ultra-poor and vulnerable households in Mangochi and Zomba Districts of Malawi....

The Global Fund aims to support national response to address HIV/AIDS, TB, and malaria. The grant activities work in partnership with communities, civil society, health professionals, and the private sector to combat HIV, TB, and malaria to ensure...

Now is the time to step up for immunisation…not step away. This is a call for action for funding Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance in the lead up to its replenishment in 2024 to deliver on its next five-year strategy – Gavi 6.0. It features...