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The Return to Learning (RtL) program includes six weeks of content, two days a week, in non-formal learning environments. RtL aims to support continuous learning for those affected by violence and conflict and decrease the gap in time between...

After eight years of destructive conflict, more than a third of Syrian children ‘always or frequently’ feel unsafe, as well as distressed and alone, according to a survey carried out for a new Save the Children report, “A Better Tomorrow: Syria’s...

Sub-Saharan Africa hosts almost a third of all refugees in the world. This briefing for the African Union Heads of State Summit sets out how to improve education for refugee and host community children, focusing on cases from Uganda and Chad.

This report presents the results of the midline Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) administered in November 2018 in Egypt as part of the Literate Village (LV) Project. In collaboration with the Community Education Sector at the Ministry of...

This research was led by Sudanese child researchers in North Darfur (El Fasher) and Central Darfur (Zalingei). It shares children’s views on attacks on their education, and the impact of these attacks on children and their schooling in Sudan. The...

Child-led research was conducted in Sudan on the issue of ‘education under attack’. The research was conducted in two areas of Sudan: El Fasher, North Darfur and Zalingei, Central Darfur. During the research, child researchers collected data on...

The Report on “Pre-University Education situation on preventing violent extremism” presents a summary of the views of the education staff on the existence of mechanisms that guarantee the safety of children at school, their forms and effectiveness...

In 2018 and 2019 Save the Children Kosovo implemented Improving Access and Quality to Early Childhood Care and Development with 1500 children. Earlier research by the Kosovo Ministry of Education, Science and Technology found that participation...

These stories reflects upon the effort of adolescents and youths (specifically girls) in building life skills and becomes the discussion leader for delivering SRHR information among the adolescents and community.

Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is a rights based and gender transformative approach to enhance adolescent knowledge and skills around sexuality, with the goal of enabling young people to make informed desicions and...