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The potential gain is extraordinary. Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – with their underlying pledge to reach those furthest behind first – would ensure that all children are given the chance to fulfill their potential. It would...

This learning paper highlights  different ways to influence systemic change for improved literacy environment. The paper focuses on touch points throughout the journey of the Advancing the Right to Read program in Rwanda to map changes in the...

In the context of refugee return currently underway along the Thailand-Myanmar border, this framework provides guidance for education service providers in Myanmar to support holistic transitions for returning refugee students and their successful...

The Advancing the Right to Read in Rwanda (ARR) programme was designed as a direct response to the critical challenge of quality of learning in Rwanda. Save the Children identified the lack of sufficient support for Rwandan children in developing...

On the occasion of the 3rd National Reading Day on 11 March 2018, three leading education NGOs in Cambodia – Save the Children, Sipar and World Vision International Cambodia – have released a statement calling for more budget investment and...

A brief case study from Save the Children Sri Lanka describing the gender seeding approach in the implementation of Early Childhood Development parenting interventions with families working in the tea plantations.

mBoost Overview

2018 - Bangladesh

This briefer explains the mBoost approach, including key evidence from Bangladesh.    

Windows into Early Learning and Development sheds light on what can be done to give all children the best chance in life in their first five years. Poverty, stunting, and lack of cognitive stimulation mean that nearly half of 3- and 4-year-old...

More than 1.3 million people have crossed the Mediterranean since 2015, taking potentially perilous journeys to flee conflict, instability and persecution across the Middle East and Africa. With the Balkans border closures, more than 62,590 people...

Numeracy Boost Common Approach - Case Study

2017 - Asia, Caribbean, Central Asia ...

While data on student math performance in developing contexts is limited, what does exist is alarming: research conducted by SC in literacy and math in Nepal in 2013 found that grade 2 children were able to correctly respond to only 4 out of 15...