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Save the Children is growing and strengthening its capability to fight for children’s rights and to deliver immediate and lasting improvements worldwide. For nearly 90 years, national Save the Children organisations have committed themselves to...

The publication is the summary of the East Asia regional meeting of UNICEF and Save the Children Alliance. It consisted of a review of the country-level successes in implementing the recommendations of the UN Study, an exchange of good practices...

Community-based child protection groups are widespread and are increasingly being scaled up in many parts of the world. They are known by a variety of names; orphan and vulnerable children committees, child welfare committees, community care...

Child rights fact sheet

2008 - Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territories

This two-page fact sheet gives key information on children’s rights, with focus on protection, poverty, health and education. The data is compiled on a bi-annual basis and made available to policy-makers and other stakeholders, in order to promote...

Last in Line, Last in School 2008 demonstrates the urgent need for donors to increase aid for education in conflict-affected fragile states (CAFS). It highlights the need for an international aid architecture that ensures long-term and sustainable...

“Building school-based protection for migrant children in Thailand: An example of good practice in the Cross-border project against trafficking and exploitation of migrant and vulnerable children in the Mekong sub-region” , is part of...

This training manual – a joint effort by Save the Children Sweden and Save the Children UK – is based on the experience of the pilot project in tsunami affected provinces in southern Thailand as a guide for organising activities to...

This report presents the process and outcomes of a European broad-based consultation with children and young people on the European Commission Communication “Towards an EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child”. The principal aim of the consultation...

A Mapping of National Child Protection Systems

2007 - Cambodia, China, Costa Rica ...

This summary report provides a concise overview of the current status of national child protection systems in countries where Save the Children is operating, and has been written as an input to the Global Workshop in Costa Rica on ‘Right Based...

This report is an outcome of the regional workshop on Proceedings of Save the Children and partner organizations on violence against children held in March in Bangkok. The workshop aims to adopt specific directions to follow up on the study’s...