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This report was written to capture Save the Children’s experience with working children, and draw from it principles of good practice. Projects for working children have been in the front line of Save the Children initiatives to help...

This report is an outcome of the one-day workshop on child participation in the UN Study on Violence against Children, held in Geneva in 2004 by Save the Children. The report is organized into the following major five sections: (i) An introduction...

Seen and heard

2004 - Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia

This report presents the results of a research evaluation of the participation of children in the Southeast Asia and the Pacific region in events and processes connected to the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Children in May...

This toolkit of good practice has been designed to offer advice, ideas and guidance for involving children in consultations at national, regional and international levels. It intends to provide organisations with useful material for involving...

This workshop report summarises discussions of work experience in addressing corporal punishment and highlights characteristics of corporal punishment of children within the regional and national contexts. The report also contains a draft regional...

Save the Children’s position on the issue of corporal punishment. Save the Children’s aim is to end all corporal punishment of children. This may be achieved through education, legal reform, advocacy and children’s participation....

In today’s world the resources are available to guarantee a decent life to each and every child, free from misery, hunger, abuse and exploitation. What we are lacking is the absolute determination of the world community and its leaders to...

This document reveals the institutional position of Save the Children on child work and aims to become a referent model for this type of key theme. The common goal is to ensure that boys and girls are protected against harmful work – harm to...

This case study, commissioned by the Save the Children Alliance initiative “Care and Protection of Separated Children in Emergencies” (CPSC), concerns the phenomenon of children who disappeared during the civil war in El Salvador, and is based on...

Children's rights: A second chance. A summary

2001 - Afghanistan, Honduras, India ...

In order to make this lecture easier to researchers and the common public, Save the Children edited a shorter version of the original document. Here the reader is able to get a brief but clear account of the projects and tools to make this world a...