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43 million children living in countries around the world wrecked by war and armed conflict are being left without the chance to go to school. This report is part of Save the Children’s five-year Rewrite the Future education initiative, which...

Save the Children has been striving to address the abuse and exploitation of children in the six countries in the Mekong River basin in Southeast Asia. Here, thousands of children have been falling into the hands of exploitative individuals.

Côte d'Ivoire Country Briefing

2006 - Côte D'Ivoire

The quality of education has worsened since the beginning of the civil war in Côte d’Ivoire in 2002. The retention rate is 52 percent and absenteeism of children can be quite high. Children have few opportunities to participate in school...

The devastating Asia tsunami of December 26, 2004, was one of the biggest emergency responses in Save the Children’s history. Two years later, Save the Children continued to stand by hundreds of thousands of children and family members who...

Over 40 countries across the world launched Rewrite the Future, Save the Children’s biggest global campaign in its 85-year history. The research reveals the devastating consequences of armed conflict on education in 30 countries. Schools are...

Past and present armed conflicts in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have badly affected children, and the country has one of the highest number of child soldiers in the world. Forty years of poor governance, economic collapse, exploitation...

‘Listen and speak out against sexual abuse of boys and girls: 10 essential learning points’, is a Save the Children report on sexual abuse based on consultations carried out in Canada, Colombia, Brazil, South Africa, Romania, Spain,...

At the end of 2004 Save the Children faced the largest natural disaster in its 85-year history. After the Indian Ocean tsunami struck, Save the Children’s staff responded immediately to the needs of children, helping many thousands of...

What Save the Children thinks about physical and humiliating punishment – Information for children and young people. Physical and humiliating punishment is violence against children that is done with the aim of controlling or educating...

This comparative study, written by Spanish psychologist Pepa Horno and supported by Save the Children Spain, indicates the attitudes towards, and prevalence and patterns of, physical and humiliating punishment, based on findings from a series of...