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LEARNING PACKAGE is from the Partnering to Save Lives project, of which Save the Children is a member. Attitudes training and values clarification for providers is helping to make public health facilities in Cambodia more inclusive and acceptable...

LEARNING PACKAGE is from the Partnering to Save Lives project, of which Save the Children is a member. Newborn care within first 28 days of life is critical to neonatal survival. With extensive training, supervision and quality improvement in...

Over 80 percent of high mortality countries not achieving Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5 (related to child and maternal mortality) suffered recent conflict, natural disasters or both. Ninety-three per cent of the highest neonatal mortality...

This two-page briefer underscores the opportunities for integration of IYCF and Public Health in refugee situations.

The purpose of the Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) Framework is to provide guidance to managers and technical staff across sectors on what needs to be considered to create an ‘infant and young child friendly’ environment and facilitate...

The Agree/Disagree game gives participants a chance to reflect on their own attitudes and values about fertility and family planning. This includes instructions and game cards. This game is part of the USAID-funded Fertility Awareness for...

This report discusses Grow Together, a social and behavior change communication (SBCC) campaign strategically designed to reduce stunting in rural Cambodia by stimulating families to use and sustain key practices in health/nutrition, water,...

This Growth through Nutrition policy brief summarizes research assessing the links between agricultural production, commercialization, markets, gender, and household diet diversity and discusses resulting policy recommendations.

More than 1.3 million people have crossed the Mediterranean since 2015, taking potentially perilous journeys to flee conflict, instability and persecution across the Middle East and Africa. With the Balkans border closures, more than 62,590 people...

This report summarizes the agro-ecology specific livelihood/agriculture packages developed under Growth through Nutrition Activity, based on the relevant literature and experience from Growth through Nutrition’s predecessor, USAID ENGINE.