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Parenting without Violence (PwV) was adopted as one of Save the Children’s Common Approaches in 2017 based on promising evidence that interventions implemented across the socio-ecological model (child, interpersonal, community, and system levels)...

Uganda has one of the youngest and fastest-growing populations globally, with a median age of 15.9 years. Nationally, 25% of girls become pregnant by 19, and nearly half are married before 18. The Karamoja sub-region is the most challenging place...

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Kulawa project (meaning “to care for” in Hausa) is a five-year (2020-2025) initiative to support the Government of Niger in improving health, family planning (FP), and nutrition...

This is our seventh report in Save the Children’s ‘Stop the War on Children’ series. Five years on since our first Stop the War on Children report, more and more children find themselves in contexts affected by conflict, with devastating...

A key focus of the ECW MYRP project is to build upon the gains made in programs that were adapted in response to COVID-19, such as distance/remote learning and online teacher training platforms like the Learning Management System (LMS). SCI has...

The “Safe Back to School” (SB2S) project, implemented in 12 primary schools in Quang Binh province, Vietnam, aims to ensure education continuity and a safe learning environment amidst disruptions like natural disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic....

With funding from the US Bureau for Population Refugee and Migration (BPRM), SC began implementing child protection and education interventions in both Benue and Cross River States in 2019. As a result of this partnership, SC has provided safe...

This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the current laws and policies governing child migrant protection across the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to inform Save the Children’s Regional Programme Units’ regional-level...

This template contains can guide Save the Children staff seeking to formalize partnerships with girl-led groups or networks via a memorandum of understanding (MOU). It was informed by research as part of the Girl-Led Movement Building project,...

This impact brief celebrates the great milestones and impact the East and Southern Africa Region has achieved in 2023, we have documented key impact stories on Cross Cutting Themes to show the good work we are doing and we look forward to sharing...