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In 2021, Save the Children in partnership with youth-led organizations, WETEC and UYAFPAH, convened a 3-part webinar series targeting policy makers, implementing organizations, adolescents, donor agencies, ministries of health and advocates. This...

In 2020, Tufts University, in collaboration with Save the Children, conducted a webinar on the core elements of food systems, external drivers, and poliitical economy issues that facilitate or impede important changes in food systems. It also...

As many of the implementing partners began to wrap up their activities for the project, Growth through Nutrition seized the opportunity for them to impart key lessons learned throughout the project via a webinar. This presentation on women’s...

แนวทางการทํางานกับเด็กโดยคํานึงถึงความหลากหลาย อัตลักษณ์ทางเพศ รสนิยมทางเพศ การแสดงออก และลักษณะทางกายภาพ SOGIESC (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Sex Characteristics)...

This research report has been prepared by Save the Children Turkey Country Office as a part of the “Community Based Child Protection Systems Strengthening In Esenyurt” project, funded by the European Union Humanitarian Aid (ECHO). Overall, the...

This final report provides key highlights as well as an overview of the accomplishments, challenges, and lessons learned from USAID Nurture from January 2016 through September 2021. USAID Nurture, led by Save the Children and implemented in...

Although Indonesia is the largest economy in Southeast Asia, the rates of stunting and malnutrition within the country remain high and child development outcomes are poor. The Better Investment for Stunting Alleviation (BISA), is a five-year...

“Mission Armenia” (MA) is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) founded in 1988 and registered in 1993 after the introduction of the NGO sector in Armenia. Mission Armenia’s mandate is to promote protection of fundamental human rights of...

In Bangladesh, 87% of the working population is employed in the informal sector, which is often characterized by unsafe working conditions and low incomes. Skills to Succeed (S2S) supports youth ages 15-24 in the transition from school to work and...

The focus of “Working Together: Including children in research on violence against children” is not on if we will engage in participatory research, but instead on how we can best support meaningful research initiatives with children....