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The objective of this toolkit is to assist civil society organizations to enhance their capacities and efficiency in responding adequately to issues of sexuality, gender and SRHR within the context of HIV, sexual and reproductive health rights...

HIV transmissions often occurs through sexual activity and reproduction, and working in the field of HIV prevention therefore requires addressing people’s sexuality and sexual practices. There is a need to discuss values, beliefs...

Save the Children’s statement on the public consultation “What funding for EU external action after 2013?” launched by the European Commission as part of the negotiations on the EU Multiannual Financial Framework 2013 onwards. The statement...

One in eight of Ethiopia’s children die before their fifth birthday. What’s even more shocking is that most of these deaths are preventable. Children’s lives could easily be saved by simple, low cost solutions. Ethiopia’s recent progress in...

Health Workers Save Lives

2011 - West and Central Africa

In 2009, 8 million children died before they reached the age of 5. It doesn’t have to be this way. Health workers, properly supported and equipped, can prevent most child deaths. The world is short of more than 3.5 million health workers....

In 2009, Save the Children embarked on the global campaign EVERY ONE to prevent the unnecessary deaths of children under 5 and to play a part in achieving Millennium Development Goal 4, which aims to reduce the under 5 mortality rate by two thirds...

IMPACT Newsletter, October 2011

2011 - Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya ...

The October 2011 edition of IMPACT focuses on Save the Children’s Child Protection work in Africa. This issue is particularly timely as the world marks the Universal Children’s Day on November 20, 2011, an annual event to reflect on...

Two million children die each year in India before they reach they fifth birthday, more than any other country in the world. Half of these deaths occur in the very first month of life. What’s even more shocking is that most of these deaths are...

Since the early 90s, as a result of conflict over the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh (NK), over 300,000 ethnic Armenians fled Azerbaijan to make up the largest group of refugees in Armenia. Additionally, since the end of 2004, Armenia has...

This brochure explains Save the Children’s child participation work. By sharing examples of promising practices, Save the Children demonstrates how its Theory of Change is applied in support of meaningful children’s participation within each...