This Growth through Nutrition success story follows Yohanis, the husband of Birke Abera, who, since learning about child feeding practices, has gone out of his way to support his wife where he can. They have learned to discuss and agree on their...
This report presents the process and findings of a Social Norms Exploration (SNE) conducted in 2019 in selected communities in Gombe, Katsina and Zamfara states in Nigeria. The broad objective of this SNE was to have an in-depth understanding of...
The COVID-19 Pandemic poses immediate and long-lasting risks to the rights of children including the disruption of access to education, the potential for reduced access to primary and secondary health services, and increased protection risks. Save...
Save the Children has embraced the Child Rights Programming (CRP) approach to plan, implement and monitor programmes with the overall goal of improving the position of children so that all boys and girls can fully enjoy their rights and can live...
Save the Children interviewed almost 300 children and adults across Uganda, about the impact of COVID-19 and lockdown measures on children’s lives and wellbeing. This report finds that children are increasingly vulnerable and at risk...
The COVID-19 Pandemic poses immediate and long-lasting risks to the rights of children including the disruption of access to education, the potential for reduced access to primary and secondary health services, and increased protection risks. Save...
The COVID-19 Pandemic poses immediate and long-lasting risks to the rights of children including the disruption of access to education, the potential for reduced access to primary and secondary health services, and increased protection risks. Save...
The third report of Save the Children’s Stop the War on Children campaign reveals shocking trends in the threats to the safety and wellbeing of children living in areas impacted by conflict. While fewer children are living in conflict...
This document is intended to provide guidance on safe, ethical and meaningful child participation during the coronavirus pandemic.
Data and Trend Analysis (DATA) Refugees and Migrants at the Western Balkans Route Regional Overview, covering period April – June 2020, describes key trends in migrations in the region, detailing information about the number of people on the move,...