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Reducing risks, Saving lives

2009 - Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brazil ...

This booklet addresses disaster risk reduction (DRR) as any activity carried out by a village, community, aid agency or government that helps vulnerable communities, and especially children, to prepare for, reduce the impact of, or prevent...

A Mapping of National Child Protection Systems

2007 - Cambodia, China, Costa Rica ...

This summary report provides a concise overview of the current status of national child protection systems in countries where Save the Children is operating, and has been written as an input to the Global Workshop in Costa Rica on ‘Right Based...

Colombia Briefing

2007 - Colombia

This country briefing of Colombia looks at the ongoing armed conflict between the government and illegal armed groups, now entering its fifth decade, which has caused immense suffering to the Colombian civil population. Internal displacement has...

43 million children living in countries around the world wrecked by war and armed conflict are being left without the chance to go to school. This report is part of Save the Children’s five-year Rewrite the Future education initiative, which...

Regional Emergency Coordination (REC)

2006 - Jamaica, St Kitts, St Lucia ...

The Regional Emergency Coordination (REC) is a Unique Coordination Model Based on Collaboration, used by Save the Children Agencies working in South America. This document includes the REC general objective together with expected results, working...

Violence is a major root cause of children coming into conflict with the law in the first place. This report shows that violence is a recurring theme in the lives of these children and not only after they come into conflict with the law. Part 1...

This report was written to capture Save the Children’s experience with working children, and draw from it principles of good practice. Projects for working children have been in the front line of Save the Children initiatives to help...

Annual Report 2002. International Save the Children Alliance

2003 - Central Asia, East Africa, Latin America ...

Members of the International Save the Children Alliance work together as a federation by pooling resources, establishing common positions on issues and carrying out joint projects. They represent the world’s largest independent global...

Children and young people from all corners of the globe have told Save the Children – and entrusted us to communicate – their hopes and dreams of how the world could be. At a time when 600 million children live in absolute poverty,...

This case study, commissioned by the Save the Children Alliance initiative “Care and Protection of Separated Children in Emergencies” (CPSC), concerns the phenomenon of children who disappeared during the civil war in El Salvador, and is based on...