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The goal intends to address the multiple threats to food and nutritional security. The clear link between shocks and hunger reveals the fragility of current food production systems and their vulnerability to disruptions. To break this cycle, it is...

Now is the time to step up for immunisation…not step away. This is a call for action for funding Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance in the lead up to its replenishment in 2024 to deliver on its next five-year strategy – Gavi 6.0. It features...

Save the Children International in Vietnam (SCI Vietnam) is set to launch a project from 2023 to 2025 in Quang Binh and Binh Duong, with the generous support of the LEGO Foundation. This initiative aims to empower girls aged 10-13 by equipping...

This report presents a compelling child-centered perspective on Georgia’s progress on the SDGs, strengthened with data from official international and national sources. By weaving together statistical analysis, and a comprehensive assessment...

This report and a series of case studies were conducted to gather evidence on which child-sensitive social protection (CSSP) programs in Malawi, Uganda, Somalia, and Zambia are most beneficial and cost-efficient in the long term. The analysis then...

From November 2023 to January 2024, the Link Education Consulting worked with Save the Children, in particular the Economic Evaluation team and Catch-up Club (CuC) technical staff, to identify and fulfil their current needs for technical...

Save the Children International (SCI) has been implementing the Giving Ownership to Prevent Stunting (GOATS) Project in Karamoja sub-region, Moroto district (Tapac and Rupa sub-counties) since March 2021. The project aimed at contributing to...

Gaza Access Humanitarian Snapshots #3 (30 July)

2024 - Occupied Palestinian Territories

Save the Children and other humanitarian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating in Gaza have consistently reported that Israel’s systematic obstruction of aid and its ongoing attacks on aid operations, including facilities, personnel and...

Gaza Access Humanitarian Snapshots #4 (27th August)

2024 - Occupied Palestinian Territories

Save the Children and other humanitarian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating in Gaza have consistently reported that Israel’s systematic obstruction of aid and its ongoing attacks on aid operations, including facilities, personnel and...

Save the Children Kosova/o (SCiK) has been positively impacting the lives of children and youth since 1997. SCiK’s areas of expertise include: a comprehensive approach to improving local governance and budget advocacy, enhancing the operational...