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Amongst the rising population of globally displaced – 68.6 million people in 2017 – the majority, 36 million, are children – almost twice the number we witnessed in 2005. This crisis in displacement is occurring amidst a context of dramatic...

In December 2018, Save the Children (SC) commissioned the knowledge organization International Child Development Initiatives (ICDI) to do an assessment on best practices of Family Strengthening interventions in middle-income countries. The aim is...

Prior to and following independence which was attained on 9 July 2011, South Sudan has been marred by armed conflict, resulting in devastating impacts on children irrespective of age, gender, ethnicity, level of education and social standing. To...

Children in Cambodia are entitled to nine years of free education. However, certain groups of children struggle to access quality education at different stages in their lives. For example, disabled girls and children with intellectual disabilities...

Child-led research was conducted in Somalia on the issue of ‘education under attack’. The research was conducted in two areas of Somalia: Baidoa and Garowe. During the research, child researchers collected data on how conflict has impacted...

This booklet demonstrates important successes that Save the Children and local non-governmental organization partners (PSOD, WP, and WOMEN) contributed to the Cambodian government in order to improve citizens’ awareness on rights, relevant...

A quarter of all children in Myanmar are stunted. The Government of the Union of Myanmar (GoUM) is scaling up Maternal and Child Cash Transfers (MCCT), combined with Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) to prevent malnutrition during...

Save the Children US’ Department for Global Health implemented an embedded case study of health systems effects of Save the Children projects in two countries, Sudan and Pakistan, to identify opportunities for emergency health programs to...

The number of children suffering from malnutrition in Cambodia has decreased in recent years. However, the rate of progress remains slow and continues to threaten the development of human capital in the country. Malnutrition does not only...

At least 100,000 babies die every year because of conflict More children are living in areas affected by armed conflict than at any time over the past two decades. At least 550,000 babies are thought to have died as a result of armed conflict...