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This curriculum is for very young adolescents aged 10-14 years and combines financial literacy, livelihoods readiness, sexual and reproductive health, and gender-equitable content delivered in a fun and interactive way. It can be used in small...

Four years on from the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals, child mortality rates continue to fall, yet big inequalities in child survival persist. Deprived and marginalised children are far less likely to have access to basic healthcare...

In 2017 Save the Children conducted a participatory study with 571 adolescent girls and boys, caregivers and community members in Iraq, Egypt, Jordan and Yemen. We wanted to hear directly from adolescents how conflict affects their lives, what...

The NOURISH Project Endline Survey Report assesses the nutritional status of women and children and changes in behaviors related to the three pillars of the project’s approach to integrated nutrition: health, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH),...

This one-page document describes the experience of Ms. Tith Phall, who along with her husband and 21-month-old child are classified as an ID Poor family, and was selected to serve as a Caregiver Group Facilitator with USAID NOURISH, benefitting...

Save the Children Somalia started Community Child Researchers (CCR) initiative to create and develop a band of trained children researchers to fulfil the dual role – data from the children and by the children. It gives them the opportunity...

This report summarizes and compares the results of Growth through Nutrition’s annual Most Vulnerable Household (MVHH) Surveys from 2017 and 2018. These surveys are conducted to assess the changes brought about by project interventions...

How can technology support better education in one of the world’s biggest refugee crises? This report from the Response Innovation Lab (hosted by Save the Children) and the Education in Emergencies Working Group maps out trends in EdTech...

Action Pack 4 provides step-by-step guidance for Save the Children staff and partner staff from civil society and Ministries of Education to enhance knowledge, skills and behaviours among teachers and children to stay safe and be protected. AP4...

This module provides teachers with an introduction to the concept of attacks on education; the international Safe Schools Declaration; and reporting and response mechanisms for attacks on education. This module is especially relevant for conflict...