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This two-page briefer underscores the opportunities for integration of Infant and Young Child Feeding and Nutrition in refugee situations.

Generation Nutrition EU is a network of a wide range of civile society organisations, working to achieve an end to child malnutrition. This report presents a firm case for investing in nutrition, highling the economic and human costs of...

With the growing recognition of the importance of holistic and child focused programming, psychosocial support (PSS) and social and emotional learning (SEL) programmes are increasing in number in crisis-affected contexts, not least in the...

The Role Play Game is used to practice having conversations about family planning, fertility, birth spacing, and life choices with friends, family and members of the community. This includes instructions and game cards. This game is part of the...

This learning paper highlights  different ways to influence systemic change for improved literacy environment. The paper focuses on touch points throughout the journey of the Advancing the Right to Read program in Rwanda to map changes in the...

The Advancing the Right to Read in Rwanda (ARR) programme was designed as a direct response to the critical challenge of quality of learning in Rwanda. Save the Children identified the lack of sufficient support for Rwandan children in developing...

LEARNING PACKAGE is from the Partnering to Save Lives project, of which Save the Children is a member. On-site coaching helps midwives to gain confidence in their skills and provide quality care to clients.

Feed the Future Ethiopia Growth through Nutrition Activity, as part of learning from its forerunner project ENGINE, hired consultants to undertake an assessment on the performance of ENGINE’s Backyard Improved/Local Chicken Performance,...

LEARNING PACKAGE is from the Partnering to Save Lives project, of which Save the Children is a member. Culturally sensitive, multilingual communications in Cambodia’s remote northeast help to overcome barriers of geography and ethnicity to promote...

Participation is among the fundamental principles envisaged by the Convention on the Rights of the Child under Article 12, clearly setting forth that children enjoy the right to participate in decision-making processes affecting their life. This...